table of contents

about me!

im a little cutie patootie fr. i love to listen to music, crochet and read. i am learning html and css, and python!

my current favorite things

songs i have on repeat:

give em a listen and get a glimpse into my mind!

currently reading:

all about love by bell hooks

currently watching:

movies i want to watch

tv shows i want to watch

my socials!

me at any given moment

words of wisdom from jujubear

in my seventeen years, i have experienced a lot. through these experiences, i've learned many valuable lessons.* this segment intends to give you, dear reader, some advice on various topics. although, please keep in mind- i don't always (ever) follow my own advice.

*note- most advice, especially that which pertains to boys, has been aqcuired through careful observation of others and their sometimes questionable life choices.
i feel that, as an outside observer, i can maintain an unbiased opinion while still delivering relevant advice.

if you are reading the above and are a boy, just know that i don't hate the male species or anything like that. things just get to be a bit frustrating sometimes. as much as i try, i can never seem to understand how you guys think or why you do the things you do (as i imagine many people feel about me and about girls as a whole).

i intend to maintain this segment and add nuggets of wisdom as they come to me, so keep an eye out for more!

juju's hard-no's in life

life is often filled with things that we will and will not do, some big and some small. the following are a collection of some of my niche (and not-so niche) hard-no's (things i will not do (or don't plan on doing anytime soon)), supported with anecdotal evidence.

juju's hard-yes's in life

similarly to my hard-no's, i have many things in life that i will and won't do. the following are a collection of some of my niche (and not-so niche) hard-yes's (things i won't ever stop doing (or don't plan on stopping anytime soon)), organized with anecdotal evidence. side note- as i've worked on this segment, it's become apparent that i have a lot more things that i stand for than against. not sure what that says about me, but it felt noteworthy.

that's all i could think of at the moment, but i'll add more as they come to me.

ranked list of energy drinks i've tried

  1. classic redbull
  2. sugarfree redbull
  3. peach redbull
  4. peach vibe celsius
  5. 2023 summer edition redbull (juneberry)
  6. kiwi guava celsius
  7. tropical vibe celsius
  8. 2024 summer edition redbull (curuba elderflower)
  9. arctic vibe celsuis
  10. fiji apple pear celsius
  11. coconut redbull
  12. alani nu blue slush
  13. alani nu cherry slush

there are also various monster flavors that i've tried but i can't really remember which flavors and how much i liked them.

chronicles of girlhood.

a short-form diary entry style segment, with little nuggets of juju's daily life and the various ups and downs i experience along the way. yay!

high school

entry 1: dear reader, do you ever like someone and just feel so many emotion's that you feel like you're going to explode? because i do. all. the. time. i'm not sure why, but i've always been a very emotionally driven person. i like to say that "i feel very big". it always feel like my emotions are dialed up to 200%. but back to the liking someone part. [redacted...redacted...readacted] all in all, i need someone to do a comprehensive study on why people like the people that they do and how to find out if someone likes you as much as you like them because i am on the struggle bus. signing off, juju. bye!

entry 2: dear reader, do you ever like someone so much that you begin to turn to God? because i do. i like this guy so much and i just need guidance so deperately that i've turned to God. as of this morning, i've downloaded a bible app on my phone and have begun researching where to start when reading the bible. i don't really know what else to do. and of course, this isn't really a first time occurence. with this same guy, i felt so confused and lonely that i began researching how one becomes a nun. i was looking into monasteries around the country and felt that maybe he was a sign from God. i don't think it was a true calling from God but i treated it as such and it was all i could think about for like 3 days. i likened myself to joan of arc and listened to seasick, yet still docked by morrissey on repeat. it wasn't my best moment. but all that to say, this feeling isn't new. it's a feeling i'm especially familiar with. when further examining my relationship with religion with a friend, i mentioned that i "loved" the idea of being led, which works to explain my turn to religion in this trying time. im so lost and my life would be so much easier if i could just be told what to do at all times. if i could just be told by a higher power that he's not right for me (or that he is the one), my life would be much more stress free. if only. but honestly, even if it doesn't work out, at least he brought me closer to God (although i'd never tell him that; it'd inflate his ego even more than it already is). signing off, juju. byeee!

entry 3: dear reader, i know its been a while.. but im back! i was away on a cruise! it was awesome. we stopped in cozumel, costa maya and roatan. i got totally sunburnt, and now my skin is starting to peel :/ ive been on a few cruises and this was one of my favorites. there was some really great food onboard, with lots of variety in terms of kind. now that im back, i have hardly anytime to relax. i am in a production of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and it is currently crunch time, so to speak. we are competing with the show in a scholastic thatre competition and are within days of district competition. it is very nervewracking, but i truly believe that if everyone is on their a-game, we have potential to advance to bi-district. the end goal is obviously state, but baby steps. my greatest struggle with this whole thing is being nice to certain people on our cast. there are some people that i just absolutely cannot stand. their personalities are grating and they do not ever implement notes or critiques. above all else, i cannot stand a theatre person who cant take critiques. its the worst becuase no matter how many times they recieve the same note, they always assume they know better and they don't need to change a single thing. but its whatever. thats all for now. signing off, juju. byee!

entry 4: dear reader, we did not advance to bi-district. its unfortunate but not shocking. im kinda over it so its not that big of a deal. but thats not really what im here to talk about. im ranting about how disgusting teenage boys are. absolutely sickening. i cant. im in class rn and im overhearing a boy discuss the severe lack of material available for "beating his shit". ... what is wrong with you. in what world is that an appropriate conversation to have in public, let alone in class. im appalled. do we have no social awareness, no decorum?? everyday, i become more and more aware of the fact that girls mature much faster than boys. its so painfully obvious. theyre so dumb. i always wonder how they've made it this far in life. now, i understand that this seems like an unfair generalization, but if you have spent anytime with high school boys recently, you understand exactly what i mean. with that being said, i think i will be committing to just waiting to get a boyfriend until college. it may not make that much of a difference, but at least he might be a bit more socially developed. but that's my rant so.... bye! signing off, juju!


entry 5: dear reader, it's been a while.. i know. but to be fair, i have a valid excuse. the end of senior year got pretty hectic. and now im in college, with a whole bunch of free time. i've not much to do, so im back. ive been having lots of fun here, the people are very nice. and the boys are nice...looking. well, for the most part. there are some funny looking guys, but im sure there are people who think that of me so ntm. ive been getting along fairly well with my roommate and we've been meeting some nice people. there are also a few cute guys on my floor and in my hallway, though i havent spoken to any of them long enough to know what theyre really like. even if i dont wife any of them, i do still want to make friends so hopefully i get a chance to meet more guys (and people, in general). im also a little worried about who i'll see on campus, one person in particular: my old "crush". he was in theatre with me, and i know he goes here. so my head is consistently on a swivvle, always watching out for him. my greatest worry is that he'll see me before i see him and he'll greet me, catching me completely off guard. but off-topic, im totally bummed because i want to go see childish gambino in austin, but that would mean driving to austin from san antonio AND buying concert tickets in the nosebleeds AND driving back home super late, which are all things that i'd rather not have to do, but sacrifices i suppose. idk. despite all that, i still want to go- but i also dont want to go by myself so i'd have to make friends with someone here who is already planning on going or someone who could be convince and who can afford a ticket (im not made of money..durrrr).. idk.. where there's a will, there's a way i suppose. but thats my college update! signing off, juju!