about me!

im a little cutie patootie fr. i love to listen to music, crochet and read. i am learning html and css, and python!

my current favorite things

songs i have on repeat:

give em a listen and get a glimpse into my mind!

currently reading:

all about love by bell hooks

currently watching:

current productions:

my socials!

me at any given moment

words of wisdom from jujubear

in my seventeen years, i have experienced a lot. through these experiences, i've learned many valuable lessons.* this segment intends to give you, dear reader, some advice on various topics. although, please keep in mind- i don't always (ever) follow my own advice.

*note- most advice, especially that which pertains to boys, has been aqcuired through careful observation of others and their sometimes questionable life choices.
i feel that, as an outside observer, i can maintain an unbiased opinion while still delivering relevant advice.

if you are reading the above and are a boy, just know that i don't hate the male species or anything like that. things just get to be a bit frustrating sometimes. as much as i try, i can never seem to understand how you guys think or why you do the things you do (as i imagine many people feel about me and about girls as a whole).

i intend to maintain this segment and add nuggets of wisdom as they come to me, so keep an eye out for more!

julie's hard-no's in life

life is often filled with things that we will and will not do, some big and some small. the following are a collection of some of my niche (and not-so niche) hard-no's (things i will not do (or don't plan on doing anytime soon)), organized with anedcotal evidence.

julie's hard-yes's in life

similarly to my hard-no's, i have many things in life that i will and won't do. the following are a collection of some of my niche (and not-so niche) hard-yes's (things i won't ever stop doing (or don't plan on stopping anytime soon)), organized with anecdotal evidence.

that's all i could think of at the moment, but i'll add more as they come to me.

ranked list of energy drinks i've tried

  1. classic redbull
  2. sugarfree redbull
  3. summer edition redbull (juneberry)
  4. kiwi guava celsius
  5. fiji apple pear celsius
  6. coconut redbull
  7. alani nu blue slush
  8. alani nu cherry slush

there are also various monster flavors that i've tried but i can't really remember which flavors and how much i liked them.